
NUX3 Event

A great opportunity for improving your professional knowledge and experience rises from our next recommended event, the UX and Design Conference. It is a wonderful source of finding out key information directly from important international speakers and representatives of well-known brands, who will present their successful views in terms of usability, HCI and information design.

This event will involve a number of impressive meetings and workshops, which will be intercalated with some refreshments and lunch breaks, where you will have the chance to network, discuss and share ideas with people interested in the field.

UX and Design Conference will be running throughout a whole day, after a well-organised schedule. More specifically, it will take place on Monday, 10th November 2014, from 9 am to 5.30 pm, at the Royal Northern College of Music, on124 Oxford Rd, Manchester (M13 9RD).

Don't miss a wonderful day alongside wonderful people. It will be delightful for you as well as beneficial for your UX and design knowledge.

Ticket price: £75 + VAT

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