

Manchester Web

The Manchester Web Performance group is back for another year, returning with an exciting 'Christmas party' vibe meetup. The event, which includes drinks and nibbles, will be taking place on the 10th December, starting at 18:00pm @ The techhub Manchester. There will be a chance to take part in an interactive performance themed quiz, which is powered by Kahoot, and will see a range of prizes available for the winning participant. Visitors will need to bring either a smartphones or a laptop to be able to take part in this event!

Kevin Craig who is Head of Development at Intechnia, will be the head speaker at this year's Web Performance event. He will be presenting an overview of ideas concerning conceptual performance driven development approaches, including Test Driven Development (TDD) and Behaviour Driven Development (BDD).

Kelvin has extensive knowledge and previous experience, leading several development teams across a variety of critical industries such as medical, defence and transport where quality is paramount.

If there I considerable interest with the event, an answer and discussion session will be held at the end of the day. Send any message to the organisers, if you wish to support the event and RSVP to the event as soon as possible to confirm your place at this insightful and connective event.

Click here to book your place now.  


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